Clandestine Laboratory Cleanup [Meth Lab]

Arkansas Act 864 of 2007 addresses the cleanup of properties contaminated by the illegal manufacture of controlled substances, or clandestine laboratories, more commonly known as meth labs. The act created a certification program for individuals who inspect, sample, remediate, and remove contaminated materials from such properties. It also requires that DEQ be notified after a clandestine laboratory has been discovered and that DEQ maintain a listing of these properties.

Certification of Clandestine Laboratory Remediation Contractors

Contractors who remediate clandestine labs in Arkansas must complete the application below to become certified or to renew certification every two years. Requirements include the successful completion of an DEQ-approved clandestine drug lab site remediation course, proof of required insurance policies for financial assurance, and a $200 fee. See the application for details on all requirements.

DEQ maintains a list of contractors who are certified to remediate clandestine labs in Arkansas.

Methamphetamine-Contaminated and Cleared Properties

Meth-contaminated properties can be viewed on a list or on a Web-based map.

Formerly Contaminated Properties

Cleanup Standards and Notice of Removal