Email List Information

Welcome to the subscription page for our electronic email lists. Anyone with email capability can sign up for free, automatic delivery of news releases, regulatory notices, program updates, and other postings to our website. By subscribing, you will receive periodic email notices when new information has been posted.

Name and Description Subscribe Unsubscribe
News Releases, announcements of E&E events and public information Subscribe Unsubscribe
Energy and Environment Innovation Plan, updates about events, plans, and feedback opportunities, and funding related to the Arkansas Energy and Environment Innovation Plan Subscribe Unsubscribe
Crossett Community Information, Subscribe to the Crossett Community Information email list to receive notices related to Georgia-Pacific Crossett LLC, advance notice of public meetings, same day notice of the opening of a public comment period, and a minimum of 30-day advance notice of any public hearing on any proposed permitting action. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Office of Energy
Arkansas Clean Cities Coalition's primary mission is to advance the energy, economic and environmental security of Arkansas through government-industry partnerships that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption in the transportation sector. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Energy Efficiency Arkansas, a partnership between the Arkansas Energy Office and Arkansas's investor-owned electric and gas utilities and electric cooperatives, exists to help make your business or home more energy efficient. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Arkansas Energy Code Stakeholders can use this list to stay updated on the progress and details regarding the upcoming code changes. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program(LIHWAP) Subscribe to receive announcements and updates regarding this federally funded emergency assistance program in Arkansas. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Electric Vehicle Charging Opportunities Subscribe to receive announcements and updates regarding the Arkansas Energy Office's Funding Opportunities programs incentivizing the installation and operation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Arkansas. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Office of Air Quality
Air Permit Applications, semi-weekly email reports of all permit applications that have had a change in status, such as declared administratively complete, issued draft, etc. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Air Planning (Go RED! clean diesel funding), notification when new clean diesel funding becomes available Subscribe Unsubscribe
Air Policy & Planning Branch, information and changes regarding regulatory notices, program updates, and other postings related to Policy and Planning Branch activities Subscribe Unsubscribe
Ozone Advance, information updates about development and implementation of Crittenden County's Path Forward Subscribe Unsubscribe
Section 111(d) email list notices, announce future stakeholder meetings to prepare for upcoming federal air rules associated with regulating greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants under section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Volkswagen Mitigation Plan, information updates about the Arkansas Beneficiary Mitigation Plan to fund projects eligible under the Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Office of Land Resources
SWIFR Announcements, updates on upcoming stakeholder meetings, updates about the State Solid Waste Management Plan and the Solid Waste Infrastructure and Recycling Grant. Subscribe Unsubscribe
Hazardous Waste Generator Reminders, updates on deadlines for monitoring, inspection and generation fees, annual reports, and other related issues Subscribe Unsubscribe
Office of Water Quality
Continuing Planning Process (CPP) and Antidegradation Implementation Methodology, announcements and reminders regarding this DEQ sponsored public participation process Subscribe Unsubscribe
Integrated Report and Assessment - CWA Section 303(d)/305(b), announcements and reminders regarding Section 303(d)/305(b) as it pertains to Arkansas’s waters. This includes the biennial call for data, public comment on the draft 303(d) list, EPA decisions, and other pertinent information. Subscribe Unsubscribe
STAA information, announcements, updates, and changes regarding short term activity authorizations Subscribe Unsubscribe
Stormwater Industrial General Permit, reminders of upcoming deadlines for sampling periods, DMR forms, and annual reporting forms for the Stormwater Industrial General Permit ARR000000 Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Assessment Methodology Review, announcements and reminders regarding the review process for DEQ’s Assessment Methodology for impaired waters (303(d) list) Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Permits (final), monthly email reports of DEQ Water Permits issued during the preceding 60 days Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Permits (NPDES application status), weekly email reports of NPDES Individual Discharge Permit applications with recent change in status, such as incomplete, complete, and received dates Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Individual Permits (application public notice), weekly email reports of Individual Water Permit Application at Public Notice Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Permits (draft public notices), biweekly email reports of DEQ Water Permit Draft public notices Subscribe Unsubscribe
Water Quality Standards (regulation 2) Triennial Review, announcements and reminders regarding the review process for APC&E Commission Reg 2 (Water Quality Standards) Subscribe Unsubscribe