Title VI Information
What is Title VI?
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance. 42 U.S.C. §_2000d
As a recipient of federal funding, DEQ is required to comply with the rules, laws, and regulations of Title VI. Title VI also applies to recipients of federal financial assistance that passes through DEQ in the form of grants, contracts, or subcontracts, as well as federal financial assistance that passes through another state agency to DEQ.
DEQ’s compliance with Title VI is contingent upon its employees’, contractors’, subcontractors’, and sub-recipients’ (of DEQ funded contracts and grants) adherence to Title VI and all applicable laws, regulations, and rules.
DEQ is committed to ensuring all management staff, contractors, and service beneficiaries are aware of the provisions of and responsibilities associated with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VI Resources:
- Nondiscrimination Complaint Form
- Nondiscrimination Complaint Poster
- Nondiscrimination Complaint Procedure Handout
- Nondiscrimination Statement
We will provide critical information in other prominent languages. Please contact Title VI contact, Shay Randolph, by email at Shay.Randolph@arkansas.gov or by phone at 501-682-0801